Booking by phone

Please ring 9369 5000 to make an appointment from 8.00am. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time and GP.

While appointments can be made in advance, there are always some appointments available on the day. These appointments cannot be accessed in advance.

A normal consultation lasts for up to 10 minutes. If you need a longer consultation or if more than one person needs to see the doctor, please inform our receptionist when making the booking. Certain referral types, such as those to psychologists or allied health providers (e.g. podiatrists) require the doctor to formulate a care plan and will require a long appointment.

If you need a full medical examination, e.g. for life insurance purposes, please book in for a long consultation. (Medicare does not cover insurance or employment medical consultation so a fee will apply).

Unexpected medical emergencies will be dealt with promptly. We ask your understanding for any delays these emergencies may cause.

If you cannot keep your appointment please call and change your booking.

Home Visits

Home visits are available, by arrangement with the doctor, for regular patients whose ailments prevent them from attending the surgery.

Please ring the surgery before 9.30am to request a home visit.

If the doctor is not able to attend you at home, a visit from a locum doctor can be arranged. A fee may apply to their visit.

After Hours Care

If you become ill when the clinic is closed, at night or on the weekend, please ring 13 7425. This will contact the Home Doctor Service and a doctor will visit you at home. The locum doctor will advise your regular doctor of the reason for, and outcome of, their visit.

Alternatively, you may call the after hours GP-Helpline on 1800 022 222 or Nurse-on-Call on 1300 606 024.